Monday, April 8, 2013

Server Scripts

Server Scripts 

Oracle Application Composer  allows to write the business logic (conditions to custom fields, Calculate custom formula fields etc)  to control the behavior of an object's records by writing Server Scripts. 

 You can write Business logic using two ways . 

                              1. Server Scripts  2. Global functions.
   Server scripts are found in both custom and standard objects and global functions found in  common Setup area like below.

 Groovy Scripting  :

      To write the business logic CRM Application Composer allows us to write  in Groovy scripting language . Groovy is a widely used scripting language  for doing java application extensions ,UI extensions.

Why Groovy ?
        1. Agile and dynamic language for java virtual machine 
        2. Increase  productivity  by reducing the scaffolding code.
        3. Modern Programming features , So java developers have almost zero learning curve.
        4. very rich and user friendly and easy to use language. 

 Where can you Write Groovy in Fusion CRM applications:

  CRM Application Composer having multiple places where you can write Groovy .

         1.Fields constraints 
         2. Formula fields
         3.Object validations
         4. Triggers 
         6. Object work flows.

Groovy Builder .

    You will write groovy scripts in Groovy Builder . CRM Application composer always makes an  Expression palette available to assist you , which is part of Groovy builder. The Expression Palette helps you insert the name of the built in functions , object fields. 

    Expression Builder :

                   1. Functions : Includes custom functions Text,Number,Date etc..
                   2. Fields       : Shows fields from current object 
                   3. Keywords : Used by field validations only , for new and old values.   
                   4. Validate Script : used to validate the Groovy script   

1 comment:

  1. Hi, is that possible to hide/show a field based on another field's value, using script?
