Sunday, March 31, 2013

CRM Application Composer

CRM Application composer:

CRM Application Composer  can be used to extending and customizing  our applications , as part of customization and extensions CRM Application Composer  will support the following tasks

                  1. Customizing the Standard objects
                  2.Mange Relations between objects
                  3.Manage Role Security for the users
                  4.Configure Business Logic and triggers
                  5. Manage end-to-end business processes
                  6.Define global functions using groovy

How to Navigate To CRM Application Composer  

                   Navigate --> Tools ---> Application Composer

Note : User should have Customer Administrator role to access the Oracle Application Composer.

Sand Box Management

What is a Sandbox :
Sandbox is a logically separate environment ,  where you can do your Configuration work and testing , separate from the “mainline.”
Who Enables the Sandbox :

Sandboxes are enabled by MDS reprositroy , where all the extenstions are stored and managed.
Sandbox life Cycle :
1.Create Sandbox
2.Customize and validate with in the Sandbox
3.Publish Sandbox.
How to Manage Customization :
Following Composer can use sandboxes to manage your customizations. 
1.       Oracle Composer
2.       CRM Application Composer
Steps to create Sandbox :

1.       Login to Oracle Fusion  Applications
2.       Click  Administrator tab on the Right Corner of the application
3.       Click on the Manged Sanbox on the drop down list .

4.  Click on the Manged Sanbox on the drop down list .


Customizations:  Adding a Team at Glance content to the existing Sales screen

Along with Activity Stream , I want to show my team details on the Sales Screen , to make it I will customize the Sales screen .
1.       Click on Add Content tab
It will display the Predefined Contents .  Add Team at a Glance by clicking “Add” button and close.

Now you customization is done and the your are able to see this on the screen.

These customizations are done within your sandbox only that means these changes will not reflect in other’s sandboxes.
Here is the other sandbox where you are not seeing your changes.

Once you validate your changes by someone  you can publish by clicking Publish button .